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The fun and educational, Drumometer Model II was a featured attraction at REMO Booth and was once again a huge hit at PASIC. Drummers crowed around the display to for a chance to tests their speed and Inner-Clock skills. Additionally, drummers had the opportunity to watch '16 time' World Champion Snare Drummer, Jim Kilpatrick, and the legendary Johnny Rabb give amazing demonstrations.

'16 time' World Champion Snare Drummer
Jim Kilpatrick






The legendary Johnny Rabb gave an amazing demonstration
and then took time to sign some autographs.

Cory Reeves won the fastest singles contest with 1,050 singles
in 60 second and was treated to a pack of 5 free DVDs including
Johnny Rabb's 30 Days to Better Hands!

Connor Pickle took second place with 1,009 and won 2 DVDs!


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All contents of this site are Copyright ©1999-2008
McAfee Enterprises, Inc. - All Rights Reserved

Drumometer is patented (US Patent # 6,545,207).
Drumometer, ZAT, Drum-O-Pad, Drum-O-Trigger, and
Inner-Clock test are trademarks (tm) of McAfee Enterprises, Inc.
No part of this site nor the trademarks (tm) may be reproduced or
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